"We are here for you and your family."

National Youth Placement Intensive Residential Treatment Facility (NYPC–IRTF ) serves individuals who, because of specific functional limitations, need a safe and stable living environment in order to develop and/or demonstrate sufficient recovery skills so that such individuals do not immediately relapse or continue to exhibit imminently dangerous behaviors.
The person has impaired functioning across a broad range of psychosocial factors. These impairments may be expressed as substance abuse at any level, disruptive behaviors, delinquency, and juvenile justice involvement, educational difficulties, family conflict and chaotic home situations, developmental immaturity, psychological and or psychiatric problems. Youth must meet the first criteria plus at least 2 of the 7 remaining criteria listed below to be admitted to NYPC–IRTF.​
Youth exhibits behaviors of serious or severe emotional, behavioral, mental health and substance abuse management problems and determine to be in need of intensive structured therapeutic residential facility.
Youth’s behaviors, mental status, and substance abuse issues and potential for risk or harm to self or others is greater than can be served in a MWO program.
Youth must meet the Full Scale IQ of 69 OR has a clinical ability to benefit, comprehend and understand the materials presented.
Biomedical Conditions and Complications – Youth demonstrates poor ability to tolerate and cope with physical problems or general health condition is poor; serious medical conditions neglected in outpatient/intensive outpatient – such problems are stable.​​
Emotional, Behavioral or Cognitive Conditions and Complications –
Youth demonstrate repeated inability to control impulses; is dually diagnosed and enhanced setting is required OR Youth have personality disorder requiring structure to shape behavior or other functional deficits requiring a 24-hour setting to teach coping skills.
Readiness to change
Youth have marked difficulty with or opposition to treatment with dangerous consequences.
Youth have little to no recognition of the skills needed to prevent continued use, with imminently dangerous consequence.
Recovery Environment
Youth environment is not supportive of addiction recovery and youth finds coping difficult; youth environment is not supportive of good mental health and youth finds coping difficult.
“ All staff has specialized training
in multi- disciplinary behavior management
techniques to determine clinical progress, phase and stage of recovery.”